
What do others say about our courses

Excellent Course for Beginning

30 July 2022

Introduction to Fatigue course from Fatec Academy was very helpful for me to deeply understand fundamental subjects about fatigue analysis. Some details in this course are really hard to find by own effort. Therefore, it is very beneficial to take this course for beginning fatigue studies.

Mehmet Yahşi

Great fatigue course with focus on application of the theory

21 May 2021

The fatigue course and additional modules offer an extensive learning experience in applied fatigue analysis. There is a lot of instantly applicable knowledge available, and the theory of fatigue is explained very accessibly. To gain the full benefit of the course, a foundation of solid and structural mechanics should be present in the reader’s mind, however even without such a background, the important points and concepts can be understood.

Covering the fatigue life from initiation to macro-crack growth, the practical structural and design engineers needs are fully covered. It doesn’t cover mathematical derivations much, e.g. crack tip stress fields. This is not a problem though, they can be found in a lot of reference books and obviously not the aim of the course.

The additional modules give insight into multiaxial fatigue and additional material as testing and damage tolerance with a focus on the aeronautical side.

Personally, I found the didactical method, how concepts are brought across to the reader very well done, and especially enjoyed the multi-axial fatigue module.

Overall it is clear to see that a lot of thought and years of experience have contributed to the module content. The information is accessible and the link to practical applications is never far.

I would highly recommend the course for engineers new to or already working in mechanical fatigue and students at graduate level.

Stefan Sieberer, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Classroom course Fatigue & Damage Tolerance for Aerospace Engineers

A great course to understand deeply how fatigue and crack growth processes work and with procedures to face on the analysis in the reality. Ignacio Mato, Premium Aerotec

The course is good both as an introduction to a F&DT engineer (though challenging) and as a source of a basic knowledge for a practising engineer. Valery Shafikov, Assystem

Great course! Really useful and complete! Javier Gutierrez Alvarez, Bishop GmbH

Very useful course for design engineers to support the knowledge of fatigue behaviour of aerospace structures and design features. Helpful to support you in the function with signature delegation. Tobias Modl, Premium Aerotec

A very complete training combining strong theoretical background with the teacher’s practical experience. But perhaps the most important point is that this course forces students to think by themselves and keep a critical mind as to what they can find in the literature. Nicolas Goots, SABCA

This course contains vital information for every stress engineer working in aerospace. Almost all topics related to fatigue and damage tolerance are discussed with sufficient detail. Taking this course will have a significant benifit to my job. ir. Christophe Ceusters, SABCA

Complete course, gives a good overview of fatigue and damage tolerance. The coursebook gives a clear explanation with practical examples and exercises. More than sufficient to explain the fatigue problems to other students. ir. Marcel van Varik, Inholland University of Applied Sciences

Highly recommended course for specific group, you need an aerospace degree, pref. MSc or BSc with experience otherwise the pace is too fast. Highly specialized course for very specific group of specialist engineers. Rick Bakker, ADSE

An intensive in-depth course based on practical experience in both aerospace and other industries. Aart Verbaas, ADSE

Classroom course Fatigue & FEA

De cursus Vermoeiing & FEM was voor mij een leerzame en verhelderende cursus. Met name de samenwerking tussen de beide docenten, waarbij de een meer op de theoretische vermoeiingsleer gespitst is en de ander de toepassing hiervan in FEM beschrijft is erg leerzaam en zorgt voor de nodige afwisseling die nodig is voor een cursus gedurende de hele dag. Het niveau van de cursus was wat ik er van verwachte, naast het opfrissen van de nodige theorie werden er ook nieuwe aspecten behandeld die direct toepasbaar zijn in mijn huidige werkzaamheden. Kenny Hoolwerf